computer problems! computer will go to the computerhospital.
I'm off making get-well-soon cards! Be back ASAP.
hugs Linda
donderdag 31 juli 2008
maandag 28 juli 2008
Hello everyone!
Here are the first promised photo's. This is the workshop I gave during my holiday. There were 12 ladies and we had a wonderful time! You can see me standing on the right explaining things. The subject was a little folding booklet.
Hier zijn de eerste foto's die ik beloofd heb. Er waren 12 dames en we hadden veel plezier samen! Je ziet mij rechts staande iets uit te leggen. We maakten een klein vouwboekje

And the colors chosen were as different as the ladies! Here is a wonderful pink one:
Iedereen koos een andere kleur. Hier is een prachtige roze boekje in de maak:

I had an extra copy of Art Specially Magazine #4 and I gave that one away. Luckily a young lady who makes cards herself won it. I'm sure it will give her inspiration!
Ik had een extra boek van Art Specially Magazine #4 en die gaf ik weg die avond. De jongedame die het boek won maakt zelf ook kaarten. Het zal haar zeker inspiratie geven!
I also made 4 menu cards for a lady who came asking for them after she saw some of my cards. She prepared a special dinner and wanted something extra on the table. Off course I had to keep up my good name! Therefor I put in some extra effort:
Ook was er een mevrouw die vroeg of ik 4 menu kaartjes kon maken. Ze had wat kaarten van mij gezien gezien en wilde graag iets extra's op haar mooi aangeklede diner tafel. Natuurlijk had ik op dat punt een naam hoog te houden dus deed ik extra mijn best:
Here are the first promised photo's. This is the workshop I gave during my holiday. There were 12 ladies and we had a wonderful time! You can see me standing on the right explaining things. The subject was a little folding booklet.
Hier zijn de eerste foto's die ik beloofd heb. Er waren 12 dames en we hadden veel plezier samen! Je ziet mij rechts staande iets uit te leggen. We maakten een klein vouwboekje
And the colors chosen were as different as the ladies! Here is a wonderful pink one:
Iedereen koos een andere kleur. Hier is een prachtige roze boekje in de maak:
I had an extra copy of Art Specially Magazine #4 and I gave that one away. Luckily a young lady who makes cards herself won it. I'm sure it will give her inspiration!
Ik had een extra boek van Art Specially Magazine #4 en die gaf ik weg die avond. De jongedame die het boek won maakt zelf ook kaarten. Het zal haar zeker inspiratie geven!
I also made 4 menu cards for a lady who came asking for them after she saw some of my cards. She prepared a special dinner and wanted something extra on the table. Off course I had to keep up my good name! Therefor I put in some extra effort:
Ook was er een mevrouw die vroeg of ik 4 menu kaartjes kon maken. Ze had wat kaarten van mij gezien gezien en wilde graag iets extra's op haar mooi aangeklede diner tafel. Natuurlijk had ik op dat punt een naam hoog te houden dus deed ik extra mijn best:
You can pull at the string on the right to make the cards flip over and reveal the next course! I put a quote underneath, that gradually revealed itself: "The best things in life aren't things!" The menu cards were a HUGE succes and 2 days after that, my workshop was booked full!
Je kan aan het lintje rechts trekken om de kaartjes te laten omslaan. Onder de kaartjes kwam dan een quote tevoorschijn: "The best things in life arent't things!" De menu kaartjes waren een GROOT succes and 2 dagen erna was mijn workshop volgeboekt!
hugs, Linda
I'm back!
Hello bloggers!
Yes, I'm back. And I had a fantastic relaxing time. Also the workshop went really well! I will post pictures every day this week so be sure to check back! We had some rain and that gave me time to craft a lot of new cards. Today is for unpacking the caravan. But I think I will have time to post the first pictures later today :)
When I got home there was a prize waiting for me from Ranger.. yes RANGER! 3 wonderful colors of the new pigment ink pads! Can you believe it? I'm sooo happy! Also I won 2 Paper Imagery Designs. Lots of new products to play with, jippiee!
hugs Linda.
Yes, I'm back. And I had a fantastic relaxing time. Also the workshop went really well! I will post pictures every day this week so be sure to check back! We had some rain and that gave me time to craft a lot of new cards. Today is for unpacking the caravan. But I think I will have time to post the first pictures later today :)
When I got home there was a prize waiting for me from Ranger.. yes RANGER! 3 wonderful colors of the new pigment ink pads! Can you believe it? I'm sooo happy! Also I won 2 Paper Imagery Designs. Lots of new products to play with, jippiee!
hugs Linda.
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